Râvenloftjen (Ravenloftish)
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A as in fAther
 as in hAt
B same as Eng.
C always K never S
D same as in Eng.
E as in dAY
Ê as in bEd
F same as Eng.
G always Gh never J
H same as in Eng.
I as in fEEd
Î as in hIt
J same as Eng.
K, L, M, N same as Eng.
O as in nO
P, R same as in Eng. (R can be rolled if the speaker wants)
S always S never Z
T same as Eng.
Þ as in THat
U as in fOOd
Û as in hUt
V, W same as Eng.
X always KS never Z
Y when proceeding a vowel, Y as in Yet, when acting as a vowel Î as in hIt
Z same as Eng.