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Alî = (to) change

Jaya = (to) hail

Mata = (to) give

Jauta = (to) go away, leave

Gwaþa = (to) lie

Ganma = (to) order

Gwa = (to) make, do

Dèma = (to) see, behold

Guma = (to) bend

Eja = (to) be

Meha = (to) save

Èga = (to) say

Vî = (to) die, fade, expire

Aga = (to) yawn

Jo = (to) sit

Èdta = (to) put aside, leave out, exclude, abandon, forsake

Îlo = (to) find

Dala = (to) hear

Oshta = (to) gather, collect, assemble

Gwèta = (to) speak

Yaito = (to) bless, praise

Yanta = (to) fall

Èa = (to) go, proceed, travel

Jèya = (to) come, arrive

Mûlto = (to) hide

Oda = (to) dream

Loþa = (to) rise, raise, lift up

Migo = (to) chill, freeze

Lûita = (to) terrify

Luni = (to) shift, move, heave (heavy or large things)

Shando = (to) press, throng

Tadþa = (to) slip, slide down, collapse

Tanmo = (to) show, indicate

Tèda = (to) finish, end

Telajato = (to) break

Tihita = (to) peer, blink

Tî = (to) watch, watch over, guard, heed

Udi = (to) pour

Banba = (to) be gone, lost, no longer to be had, vanished, departed, dead, past and over

Bwînto = (to) scatter, blow about

Òfdo = (to) summon

Avo = (to) take

Heba = (to) take care of

Meziþa = (to) have